
Thursday 12 May 2016

Sixth Graders: few words about next week's test

Dear all,

I know that some of you are getting a little bit concerned about next week's test. So... here are a few encouraging words:

1.- Remember that this is just ANOTHER task among ALL the things you have done and achieved during this school year. If you feel insecure, think about all the projects and activities that you have done and succeeded in.

2.- The most important thing if you want to give the right answer is READ THE QUESTION FIRST. Do not rush into answering; read it a few times and make sure you know what it is you are being asked.

3.- During the next days you should revise some of the exercises we have done in class (both English and Spanish areas), but something light. Do not try to learn everything from every subject in the weekend: go for a walk or a swim, eat properly and sleep the right amount of hours.

4.- Talk to your parents about how you feel towards the exam: they know you better, love you and care for you more than anybody else in the world, so they are the ones you should lean on.

5.- Remember this: you are fantastic, intelligent, smart, funny (boooooring) and incredible and you can achieve anything you want. I have seen you do it, and I couldn't be more proud of you.

With lots of love,


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