
Thursday, 1 December 2016

Sixth and Fifth Graders: tomorrow's test

Hello everybody!

So... there is a test tomorrow, right? Feeling nervous? Insecure? Well, read through the following tips. They will probably help:

1) This is only a test. The world will not collapse. The universe will not stop functioning. The sun will rise tomorrow.

2) Give your best. Always your best. Do not stop trying.

3) Everything is inside your brain, somewhere. If it happens that nerves stop your brain from working properly, breathe in deeply and think: I have done this before and can and will do it again.

4) I have faith in you. I know what you can achieve. There is something special in each and every one of you. You are all different and I love you all the same. I push you because I know you can do it.

Have a good night sleep. Please do not post anything here after 20:30 pm, so everybody can disconnect, switch off and relax. I will see you tomorrow,


Miss Laura

Sixth graders: It's raining pizza!!!

Hey there!

Below you will find the scenarios you came up with and their correct conditional sentences. There will be an exercise about this, so make sure you use your imagination!

It's raining pizza!


Miss Laura

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Sixth Graders: English Test

Hey there!

Below you will find some exercises to practise your conditionals and other things to practise a bit for Friday's test. Please download and complete at home.


Writing Prompts


Miss Laura

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Fifth Graders: VISU

Hey there,

Can you classify these animals?


(Remember: crocs and allies means crocodiles and alligators!!!)


Miss Laura

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Sixth graders: creating a character

Hey there!

Here is the video we watched today about creating characters from scratch. Enjoy!!

Creating a character

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Fifth Graders Science: Vertebrates

Hey there,

Below you will find the presentation we have used to learn a bit about vertebrates and their evolution.

IMPORTANT: after checking, there is something we must correct. Mammals did indeed evolve from reptiles, and not from amphibians as we concluded after looking at the diagram I included in the presentation (which I have deleted).

As usual, it would be a good idea to download it and take a look at it when you sit down to review.


Enjoy, my darlings,

Miss Laura

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Fifth Graders: Invertebrates

Hey there,

In about 20 minutes we will start with a new section of this Science Unit: invertebrate animals.

We will use a PowerPoint Presentation in which I have included the main characteristics and groups of these animals, as well as some cool pictures. Arthropods follow.

As usual, take a look at it at home and use it to learn and revise. Any questions you know where I am.


Miss Laura

Invertebrates Presentation


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Sixth Graders: Who dunnit???

Hey there,

So... can you tell a fact from an opinion? Can you tell a fact from someone's side of the story? This is what you will have to do as an Argumentative Writer... and just in case you didn't have time to copy all the facts we spotted today, here is a pic of what we did (just click on the word "Facts"). Evidences follow as well:






Miss Laura

Fifth Graders: School Election

Hey there,

Here you have some cool videos I found on YouTube from people who ran for their Class President or Vicepresident. You can take them as an example of what you are supossed to do (or not!!!).


Miss Laura

5th Grade Vice President Speech

5th Grade President Speech

5th Grade Student Council President

Student President Speech

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Sixth Graders: Unit 1_ Ecology

Hello there,

Next Monday we will finish this unit about Ecology and we will move on to something completely different: our body and the function of interaction.

As a final activity there will be a reading comprehension activity (Mon 17) and a few questions related to the contents we have worked on. Take a look at the file below (maybe you would like to create your own science folder and save all the important documents?).

Living Things and Ecology_ Presentation

Bitesize: food chains

See you on Monday!

Miss Laura

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Welcome to a new School Year!!!

Dear all,

It is time we get this wonderful space working full-time. Some of you already know it, some others don't.

Here you will be able to check important things, such as homework, assignment deadlines, what to review for your tests... I will also upload some of the material we use in class, like presentations and handouts, so you can save in and use them at home. But not only that: there will be some games, videos and other insteresting material for you to learn new things at home.

Feel free to comment and make sure you check it every couple of days. This will only work if we all participate.

Welcome to the machine!


Miss Laura

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Summer activities!

Dear monsters:

I hope you are having a great time away from school and enjoying the great weather, that's if you can find it!!!

As I already told you, the summer is all about enjoying family and the outdoors... and reading!!! But, if you would like to go through some of the things we did this year, or if you need any ideas for your writing journal, here are some cool activities:


Here you will have 8 cool ideas to write about.




Here you will find some cool reading activities:


Do send me an email letting me know how you are!

Enjoy your summer.

Lots of love,

Miss Laura

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Sixth Graders: few words about next week's test

Dear all,

I know that some of you are getting a little bit concerned about next week's test. So... here are a few encouraging words:

1.- Remember that this is just ANOTHER task among ALL the things you have done and achieved during this school year. If you feel insecure, think about all the projects and activities that you have done and succeeded in.

2.- The most important thing if you want to give the right answer is READ THE QUESTION FIRST. Do not rush into answering; read it a few times and make sure you know what it is you are being asked.

3.- During the next days you should revise some of the exercises we have done in class (both English and Spanish areas), but something light. Do not try to learn everything from every subject in the weekend: go for a walk or a swim, eat properly and sleep the right amount of hours.

4.- Talk to your parents about how you feel towards the exam: they know you better, love you and care for you more than anybody else in the world, so they are the ones you should lean on.

5.- Remember this: you are fantastic, intelligent, smart, funny (boooooring) and incredible and you can achieve anything you want. I have seen you do it, and I couldn't be more proud of you.

With lots of love,


Sixth Graders: More reviewing material for Science and Technology Test

Hey kids,

Click on the link below for another test...


Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Sixth Graders: Reviewing for Science and Technology Test

Hey kids,

Below you will find the link to Bitesize and all the activities we did today. You will also find the link to the website where you can do the rest of the questions (in Spanish). Remember we have done the ones on the left; the ones on the right are yet to be done.

Here you can review not only about Natural Sciences, but also about Physics (forces: friction, gravity...) and Chemistry (mixtures, materials...). Take a look at the Environment section and Health section. Well, just play around and see what you find. If you have any questions, please post them here, so we can all learn together.




Saturday, 30 April 2016

6th graders Lateral thinking

There were once two sisters whose mother died. Let's call them Anna and Elsa.
The day of the funeral, among the people who were at the cemetery, there was a very good-looking young man, and Anna fell in love with him. Ten days later, she killed Elsa. Why?

Courtesy of Laura M. First right answer gets a little treat on Tuesday. No Google, please.



5th Graders: Lateral thinking

A man walks into a bar and asks the waiter for a glass of water. The waiter takes a gun from behind the counter and points it at him. The man says "Thank you very much" and leaves the bar. Why?

Right answer gets a little treat on Tuesday. Only 5th graders, please!!!



Thursday, 21 April 2016

Back after a while

Hello there!

Well, after a couple of weeks I have managed to get this space up and running again.
Please, keep watching. We are getting dangerously close to the end of the school year. A lot will happen on this site.

Big hugs,


Friday, 4 March 2016

5th Graders: Think!

Howdy, my little ducklings!

Now... What gets wet while it dries?
No Internet! Think!

Big hugs,


6th Graders: Macbeth

Howdy my little ducklings!!

We need to start preparing some atrezzo for the play. Can you think of a way to make a cauldron? We will need a good one for the act with the witches, the head and the spirits. 

Any ideas? 
Big hugs,


Saturday, 27 February 2016

6th Graders: Lateral thinking contest!

If the question is "H-O?", what is the answer?

First correct answer gets a little treat on Monday.

Big hugs,


Fifth Graders: Heart contest!

Howdy, my little ducklings!

As we have seen, our heart is divided into four separate chambers. Now, some vertebrates have three- chambered hearts. Can you name one of them?

First correct answer gets a small treat on Monday. 😊

Friday, 26 February 2016

6th Graders: Energy

Howdy, my little ducklings!!

Next week we will continue talking about energy. These are the questions you need to answer (and therefore, must UNDERSTAND):

1.- What is energy?'

2.- Types of energy and where to find them.

3.- Sources of energy.

4.- Renewable and non- renewable sources of energy.

5.- Transformation.

This link might come in handy.

See you on Monday,

Big hugs,


Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Fifth Graders: Writing Test

Howdy, my little ducklings!

Time has come; Writing Test tomorrow!

Remember the following:

1.- Verbs exercises: mainly Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple.

2.- Vocabulary: plurals, pyramids and teeth.

3.- Writing exercises: informational writing about a given topic.

Click on the links below to find some of the resources/exercises we have used in class,

Present Simple_Poster

Past Simple_Poster

Present Simple/Present Continuous

Big hugs,


Saturday, 20 February 2016

Sixth Graders: Writing Test

Howdy, my little ducklings!

So... the time has come and you will be doing a Writing Test next Wednesday. Keep in mind the following:

1.- Verb tenses: you will be asked to do a few exercises like the ones we have done in class. Basically, it's about choosing the right tense (Past Simple- Present Perfect, mainly... But do review the other basic tenses). Remember to use your text book exercises to make sure you have everything under control.

2.- Vocabulary: music and family. Go through you "Family Tree" and make sure you know what to call your sister's daughter, your brother's wife...

3.- The "s": yes, the one that gets rid off that terrible "The house of my uncle". Remember we never use "the". I went to my uncle's house because it was my cousin's birthday party.

4.- Writing exercise: this is the biggy. It will be something similar to Jane Smith's exercise or Liam Gallagher's one.

5.- VERBS!: You have got to learn them. Use your list, please.

6.- SPELLING!: No need to say anything, is there?

Here you will find the "Liam Gallagher" exercise.

Big hugs,


Welcome to a whole new world!

Howdy, my little ducklings!

I have been thinking (for a quite a while now) about how to keep all the work we do in class in one single place, and have come to the conclussion that a blog is the best option!

Here you will find all the resources we use in class, reminders about homework, activities and tests, and links and other interesting stuff about the wonderful wold of English Language and Science.

Please feel free to leave any comments about the blog. I need your help to improve it!!!