
Thursday 1 December 2016

Sixth and Fifth Graders: tomorrow's test

Hello everybody!

So... there is a test tomorrow, right? Feeling nervous? Insecure? Well, read through the following tips. They will probably help:

1) This is only a test. The world will not collapse. The universe will not stop functioning. The sun will rise tomorrow.

2) Give your best. Always your best. Do not stop trying.

3) Everything is inside your brain, somewhere. If it happens that nerves stop your brain from working properly, breathe in deeply and think: I have done this before and can and will do it again.

4) I have faith in you. I know what you can achieve. There is something special in each and every one of you. You are all different and I love you all the same. I push you because I know you can do it.

Have a good night sleep. Please do not post anything here after 20:30 pm, so everybody can disconnect, switch off and relax. I will see you tomorrow,


Miss Laura

Sixth graders: It's raining pizza!!!

Hey there!

Below you will find the scenarios you came up with and their correct conditional sentences. There will be an exercise about this, so make sure you use your imagination!

It's raining pizza!


Miss Laura